If your ex left you for someone else, this can understandably be one of the most painful experiences to go through.
After all, this person has probably once said words like:
I love you.
I will never leave you.
You’re the only person in this world for me.
I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else but you.
You’re my one true love and I want to be with you forever.
Has your ex said something like this to you as well?
If so, then why did your ex not keep his/her promise and leave you?
And as though breaking up with you is not already bad enough…
Your ex had to leave you for someone else!
Talk about rubbing salt on the wound!
Now, at this point, you most likely have lots of questions in your mind like:
Why did my ex leave me?
Who is this person that he/she left me for?
Had my ex been cheating on me while we were still together?
Is this new person a rebound?
Will my ex ever come back to me?
Should I even want my ex again?
How do I get my ex to leave this new person?
How do I get over being dumped for someone else?
What do I do if I still want my ex back?
And if you’re thinking about any of these questions…
Then you want to give your full attention and read the rest of this post very carefully because I will give you the hard honest truth.
After helping my coaching clients for more than a decade, I can give you deep insights that no one else can give, or are afraid to tell you.
So if you’re ready for nothing but the truth, then let’s get started.
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Understanding Why Your Ex Left You
The very first thing you want to understand is why your ex left you in the first place.
Now, you might be very tempted to think that the reason your ex left you is because of this new person your ex met.
But is that really the reason your ex left you in the first place?
Not necessarily.
You see, we all do not get into a relationship with the intention to leave the relationship at some point.
That’s because we are invested emotionally when we’re in a relationship.
The reason we got together with someone in the first place is that we like that person and are attracted to that person.
So ideally, we want to be with that person for life.
So we all had the intention to stay with the person we got together with for life, why did your ex leave you?
The answer is that something has changed in your relationship from how it was when you first got together, to how it became towards the end of the relationship.
But you might say, “but nothing’s changed. Everything is still the same as it was at the start.”
Well, not everything is exactly the same.
Your ex’s feelings have changed.
And why has it changed?
It’s because your ex is either unhappy or unsatisfied in the relationship.
Think about it…
If you were truly happy and satisfied in a relationship, and your partner has fulfilled all your needs and more…
Would you one day suddenly say to your ex:
I’m done with feeling so happy and satisfied in this relationship. I need to leave you to go find a relationship that makes me unhappy and unsatisfied.
Of course not!
Who in the right mind will want to leave such a relationship?!
So the main reason why your ex left you for someone else is that he/she was unhappy and unsatisfied in the relationship in the first place.
It could be for many different reasons that your ex is feeling unhappy or unsatisfied.
Here are a few reasons why your ex could have been feeling unhappy or unsatisfied in the relationship:
- Frequent fighting and quarrelling
- Verbal abuse or physical abuse
- Lack of communication
- Lack of emotional connection
- Miscommunication
- Loss of attraction
- Lack of intimacy
- Loss of trust
- The relationship became boring, routine and mundane
- You changed physically (i.e. gained weight, lost weight)
- Your behaviour changed (i.e. became needy, clingy, possessive, etc.)
So these issues above have most likely been making your ex feel unhappy or unsatisfied in the relationship for some time already.
Then when this new person came along, this person managed to fill in the gap in the area where your ex was feeling unhappy or unsatisfied in the relationship.
For example, if the reason your ex was feeling unhappy was because there was a lack of communication in the relationship or that there were frequent fights and quarrels…
And then this new person came along and communicated so well with your ex and made your ex feel emotionally connected…
Your ex will start comparing this new person with you.
This is what I call the Contemplation stage in the Stages of A Breakup For Dumpers.
And over time if the issue isn’t resolved, your ex will decide that he/she had enough and wants out of the relationship.
That’s when your ex can seek that new person to get what was missing in your relationship.
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My Ex Left Me For Someone Else – Is It A Rebound?
So now that your ex has left you for someone else, you might be wondering whether this new person is a rebound.
Well, there’s a common perception that if your ex left you for someone else within three months of your breakup, then it’s a sign that your ex is in a rebound relationship and the relationship will end soon.
The truth is that your ex could be in a rebound relationship, yet it might not be as well.
It all depends on how they manage the relationship AFTER the Honeymoon Phase.
I categorize all relationships as having two general phases:
- The Honeymoon Phase
- The Reality-Check Phase
In the Honeymoon Phase, everything is lovey-dovey and nothing can go wrong.
You’ve probably experienced this yourself.
It’s the feeling of being in love and you just can’t wait to see each other every single day, hug each other moment, and kiss whenever you both laid eyes on each other.
In short, you two were inseparable.
But once the Honeymoon Phase ends and you get into the Reality-Check Phase, things start to change.
Some of the things your ex did which you found cute during the Honeymoon Phase, became annoying and irritating to you.
Soon you both start to find differences and that’s when you both have a reality check that the relationship is not exactly like you want it to be.
And it’s during this time that unhappiness and dissatisfaction come in.
So, if your ex enters the Reality-Check Phase of the relationship with this new person, then there’s a chance that your ex may start to realize that things aren’t as rosy as it seems…
And that can potentially lead to a breakup if both parties don’t know how to manage it well.
And if your ex does break up with this new person then, we’d say that it’s a rebound relationship as the novelty of being with someone new has faded.
Do Exes Come Back After Leaving For Someone Else?
So will your ex eventually come back to you after leaving for someone else?
It really depends on various factors like:
- How the new relationship is going for your ex
- Whether you’re still in contact with your ex even when he/she is with someone new
- The real reason your ex left you in the first place
- Whether the underlying issue that caused your ex to be unhappy is trivial or serious
- Whether you’ve changed compared to how you were at the end of the relationship
- The emotional connection you’ve built up with your ex while you two were together
- Your ability to attract your ex
- And many other factors…
I’ve had coaching clients whose ex reached out to them a couple of weeks into our coaching when we have yet to implement any of my strategies for them.
In those cases, their exes just simply realized that this new person was not who they wanted, and decided to get back with my clients.
While this is rare, it does happen.
But for the most part, when exes leave, they rarely come back on their own.
You will have to put in work to get your ex attracted to you again.
That’s the experience that most of my clients have.
So in short, exes can come back to you on their own without you having to do anything at all, but it’s rare.
For over a decade that I’ve been helping my clients salvage their relationships, I’ve only seen a handful of situations where exes come back on their own.
Most of the time, exes do not come back on their own, but they can come back if you put in the effort to try and get your ex back.
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Will My Ex Miss Me If He/She Left For Someone Else?
So will your ex miss you at all if your ex is now with someone new?
The answer is…
Yes, IF your ex is in the Reality-Check Phase of the relationship and starts to realize that there are certain things that your ex did with you that this new person doesn’t do or doesn’t like doing.
For example, when you were with your ex, you may have been a tidy freak where you would need to organize everything and keep things tidy around the house.
Whereas your ex is the messy type where he/she leaves things all over the place and you would organize your ex’s things for him/her.
And in your ex’s new relationship, this new person is as messy, if not messier than your ex.
So when messy meets messy, the whole place becomes like a garbage dump.
This is where your ex might start to miss the times you would tidy up the place and organize his/her things.
But if your ex is very happy in this new relationship, then chances are that your ex would not miss you at all.
It also depends on how bad the breakup with you was.
If your breakup was extremely nasty with lots of fighting, shouting, screaming, and threatening…
Then chances are that your ex would not miss you.
I know, it’s a tough pill to swallow…
But as I mentioned earlier, it’s the hard, honest truth.
Will My Ex Regret Leaving Me For Someone Else?
If you’re wondering whether your ex will ever regret leaving you, then the answer is pretty similar to what I mentioned on whether your ex will miss you if your ex left you for someone else.
That’s because regret can be a natural follow-up to the feeling of missing you.
If your ex misses you, then there could be a chance your ex could regret breaking up with you.
But if your ex doesn’t miss you, then it’s unlikely that your ex would regret leaving you.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get your ex to regret leaving you.
I had a few coaching clients that asked me this question:
How can I make my ex regret leaving me?
And the way I told my clients that they can make their ex regret leaving them is if they can get their ex to feel a “sense of loss”.
And one powerful way to get your ex to feel this sense of loss is by appealing to your ex’s eyes.
You see, attraction consists of two parts:
- Physical attraction
- Emotional attraction (a.k.a. emotional connection)
So what we’re aiming to do here is to appeal to your ex’s sense of physical attraction.
And how you do that is by looking so good that when your ex sees you, your ex could wonder why he/she left someone looking so “hot”.
Now, if you’re a woman, this method would work better for you because men are very visual-oriented.
For men (at least most men), all it mostly takes is for a woman to look really good in their eyes and they will become attracted to you again.
All the men reading this now, am I right? ๐
But if you’re a man, don’t fret because it doesn’t mean that looking good can’t make your ex regret leaving you.
You looking good does help. But women also need emotional connection.
So if you’re able to look good and also learn how to communicate with your ex in a way that lets her feel really positive about herself, then it can get her to regret leaving you as well ๐
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Should I Get My Ex Back If He/She Left Me For Someone Else?
Now, if you’re asking whether you should get back with your ex, then I’m sorry to tell you that this is a decision that only YOU can make.
That’s because only you know how important your ex is to you.
You can listen to what other people say.
But at the end of the day, only you can decide whether you should try to get your ex back again.
I’ve had clients tell me that they were told to give up on their ex and that they deserve someone better.
And so they listened.
But after a while, they realized they still missed their ex and still want their ex back.
And they regretted listening to other people telling them to move on.
And now they want their ex back again.
So here’s my advice to you if you’re still wondering if you should get your ex back or not…
Take the next week really think about the following questions:
- Is your ex someone you see yourself spending the rest of your life with?
- Is your ex someone you feel can be a great partner for you, and can you be a great partner for your ex?
- Are you willing to change certain things about yourself that may have contributed to the breakup?
If your answer is yes to all the three questions above, then you can still give it a shot to get your ex back, but give yourself a deadline.
For example, tell yourself that if by the end of this year you still see no progress with your ex, then you will move on for good after that and not look back.
But before the deadline, you want to give it your all to try and get your ex back and not doubt yourself midway.
At the same time, you can also go on dates.
This is what I call the “Best of Both Worlds Approach”.
This way, you don’t have to “stop your life” just to pursue your ex.
And if someone else comes your way and you like this person, you might even realize you don’t want your ex anymore!
What To Do If You Still Want Your Ex Back
So let’s say you’ve decided that you still want your ex, what do you do?
Here are a few things you can do.
1. Get Coaching
Coaching is by far the best way for you to get your ex back.
That’s because a coach can go through your situation in detail and customize a plan that’s just for you.
The last thing you want is to use a strategy that may not be suited for your specific situation.
You see, every situation is unique.
And while you’re reading some of the stories that I shared with you about my clients, you might be thinking, “But my situation is different.”
And you’re absolutely right.
That’s because all situations are unique and different.
So if your situation is unique and different, it doesn’t make sense to just use a “one size fits all” strategy that you read online!
And not only is it likely ineffective for your situation, but it could also potentially push your ex further away.
For example, I had a coaching client that went online to search for texts to send to his ex.
And one of the texts he was told to use was something like this:
Hey, I happen to walk by a bakery shop and it reminded me of you because we would used to by our favorite bread from bakery shops.
After sending the message, this was the response he got:
How many times have I told you to leave me alone! STOP contacting me or I’ll call the police!
So what went wrong?
The problem was this message was used ignoring my client’s situation.
And my client had already been sending several messages to his ex and his ex had repeatedly told him to stop contacting him.
So needless to say, this message wasn’t appropriate to send in my client’s situation.
That’s why with coaching, the coach is able to assess your situation and advise what to do based on your specific situation.
So if you want the best chances of getting your ex back, getting a coach will certainly help.
That’s how many of my coaching clients were able to get their exes back as well:
With that said, I also understand that not everyone can afford a coach.
So if you don’t have the budget for that, then here are other things that you can do…
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2. Assess Whether You Should Get Into No Contact
I’m sure you’ve probably read dozens of articles by now that you should get into No Contact if you want to get your ex back.
Now, if you haven’t read any articles on No Contact, or you’re still unsure about what it is…
It simply just means not to be in contact with your ex for a period of at least 30 days.
Contrary to what many people say about No Contact, the actual purpose of No Contact isn’t to get your ex back.
The real objective is to do three things:
- Work on yourself (your mindset and emotions)
- Let any negative feelings in your ex towards you gradually fade away
- Allow your ex to possibly miss you
Now, I know there are situations where people just get into No Contact and their ex reaches out to them to get back with them.
But that’s only because their ex did not have a very strong negative feeling towards them in the first place, and their ex probably feels that the underlying issues of the relationship can still be fixed.
But what if your ex has a very strong negative feeling towards you and feels that the relationship issues are not going to be easily fixed?
Then even if you get into No Contact, your ex isn’t going to suddenly change his/her mind and want you back.
So the main purpose of No Contact is not to get your ex back.
But getting your ex back can be the side effect of No Contact.
Now, what if you’re in a situation where you can’t get into No Contact?
For example, you might work with your ex, live together with your ex, or have children with your ex.
Then you will have to get into Limited Contact.
Limited Contact is where you do not initiate contact with your ex, but if your ex reaches out to you, you can respond back.
But when you respond back, only respond with what’s necessary.
That means if your ex reaches out to ask you a question, you simply respond to that question and nothing more.
So if your ex reaches out to ask:
Hey, how are you?
You simply respond back with:
I’m good ๐
That’s it.
Don’t ask your ex how your ex is or ask any questions at all.
This way your ex can sense a difference in you and that can lead to your ex wanting more communication with you in the future.
3. Communicate In A Positive Way
Once you’ve gotten out of No Contact or Limited Contact, and your ex still seems willing to communicate with you, then this is where you want to communicate with your ex in a positive way.
And that means following these guidelines when you have any form of contact with your ex:
- Let your ex feel good about himself/herself when talking to you (i.e. encourage, motivate, compliment, say positive things).
- Genuinely compliment and validate your ex whenever you have the chance in the conversation.
- Do NOT argue or get into a quarrel.
- Let your ex view you as very positive. People love happy people.
- Keep the conversation light and fun always
- Be very polite and friendly
- Absolutely NO serious talks about your relationship with your ex, or your ex’s new relationship.
These will get your ex to link pleasure to you.
Once you’re able to let your ex feel as though you’re perfectly fine with just being friends, your ex could then be open to meeting up with you.
And when you’re able to meet up with your ex, that’s when you can let your ex experience the new you.
You see, more often than not, your ex left you for someone else because there was something about you that made your ex unhappy or unsatisfied in the relationship.
For example, you might have the tendency to get angry very easily and argue with your ex.
But over time, when you show your ex that you no longer get angry, and your ex sense a difference in your communication with him/her…
That can get your ex to think that you have changed.
And it’s only when your ex believes that you have changed, then your ex would be open to reconsidering the relationship again.
But of course, there’s a timing to this.
Your ex has to be in the Reality-Check Phase of the new relationship before he can think about the relationship with you again.
Your Next Step
Would you like me to personally coach you and guide you on exactly what to do & say in your specific situation to get your ex back?
You see, I get lots of emails every day from people asking me to help them:
And Iโve had many coaching clients that got their ex back as a result of my Coaching Programs. Here are just some of the many success stories from my coaching clients:
And I would love to help you get your ex back as well.
But unfortunately, the truth is that NOT all relationships are salvageable.
So in order for me to determine if I can actually help you get your ex back, please take just 2 short minutes to answer the quiz below, and you will find out if you have a good chance to get your ex back or not:
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