Break ups are tough. It is painful, depressing and emotionally draining. Even if you ended on amicable terms with your ex, it is still tough because no one really enters a relationship only to break up in the end. Unfortunately, almost everyone will go through it at some point in time as not all […]
6 Steps To Rekindle Your Relationship With Your Ex Again
The journey to get your ex back is one that is filled with lots of emotional roller coasters. When your ex is responding well, you will feel good. But when your ex is not responding, or have stopped responding, then it can get really emotionally trying. What’s worse are the negative thoughts that can get […]
Should You Have Sex With Your Ex (And Will It Help You Get Your Ex Back)?
One of the most pressing question I get from my clients a lot of the time is “Is it okay for me to have sex with my ex?”. Now, this happens more for my female clients than my male clients, but it certainly does happen to both sex. You probably may have been in a […]
Should You Let Your Ex Know That You Still Want Them Back?
One of the most common things that many people do after a break up, is to let their ex know or feel that they still want them back. This can be telling your ex any of the following: 1) That you still want your ex back 2) Insinuating to your ex that you still want […]
Does No Contact Rule Really Work (AND THE TRUTH NO ONE TELLS YOU)
I’m sure you’re pretty aware of the No Contact Rule by now, and it has been used by countless guides on the internet. The No Contact Rule simply states that you should not contact your ex for a minimum of 30 days, and hopefully somehow your ex will contact you during that time and want […]
How To Strategically Get Your Ex Back
One of the most important things to get your ex back is understanding that you need a strategy in order to at least have a chance to salvage your relationship. Many people that are trying right now to get their ex back think they all they have to do is to just speak to their […]