Are you wondering what are the signs your ex will eventually come back to you again?
If you’ve just gone through a breakup, then this period you’re going through can be very tough.
Everywhere you look or go to can remind you of your ex.
And all you want is for your ex to come back to you.
Here’s the good news…
Exes do come back.
And there’s more good news…
If your ex wants to come back to you again…
Your ex will show signs that show he/she is interested in you again.
So how do you know what signs to look out for?
And how do you know if the signs are really that your ex is looking to come back to you and not just being friendly?
And what do you if you see the signs to ensure that your ex will return to you?
That’s what I will go into detail in this post.
Here are the 7 signs your ex will eventually come back to you again…
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Sign #1: Your Ex “Likes” Your Social Media Posts
The very first sign that can show that your ex will eventually come back to you is when your ex “likes” your social media posts.
While this is not a very concrete sign…
It can be considered one of the starting signs that will gradually lead to your ex coming back again.
When your ex “likes” some of the posts that you post on your social media…
It means a few things:
1) Your ex doesn’t feel negative towards you
Most of the time after a breakup, exes do not want any contact.
Exes also often will remove you from their social media, or even block you totally.
But if your ex can “like” your social media posts, it means that your ex doesn’t feel that negative towards you.
You see, when your ex “likes” your post, your ex will know that you can see it.
And if your ex knows that you will see that he/she liked your post…
It means your ex is fine with letting you know that he/she read your post.
And this means that your ex does take notice of your activities from your social media feed.
This in itself is a good sign.
2) Your ex is taking notice of you
The fact that your ex “liked” your post means that your ex is taking notice of you on his/her social media feed.
This is quite significant because your ex’s social media feed probably shows many other people’s posts as well.
And chances are that your ex does not “like” everybody’s posts.
It’s just impossible to “like” every single post from everyone.
So for your ex to “like” your post means that your ex took notice of your post and deliberately clicked the “like” button.
This action in itself is a very good sign.
3) Your ex wants you to know he/she “liked” your post
As mentioned above, when your ex “likes” your post…
Your ex knows for certain that you will know, and doesn’t mind it.
In a way, it’s like a vote of encouragement.
Most of the time, exes refrain from “liking” an ex’s post.
That’s because exes do not want to give the wrong signal.
For example, if your ex doesn’t want any contact with you, then your ex wouldn’t “like” your post in the first place.
That’s because your ex may be afraid to give the “wrong signal” and you will think your ex still likes you.
That is why if your ex “likes” your posts, especially if you two aren’t in contact…
It can mean that your ex is open to communication with you again.
And this can ultimately lead to your ex eventually coming back to you.
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Sign #2: You Hear From Mutual Friends Your Ex is Asking About You
If you and your ex have mutual friends, then it’s possible that your ex could be talking to them about you.
It could be that your friends ask your ex about you and your ex becomes curious about you…
Or that your ex initiates a conversation with your friends to ask about you.
Either way, both are good signs your ex will eventually come back…
And that’s because if your ex is curious about you, it means your ex had been thinking of you.
Now, that may not mean that your ex wants to get back with you immediately…
But it can mean that your ex is considering it.
What’s important is that your ex wants to know if you have changed.
You see, more often than not, when a breakup happens…
It’s usually because of a perception change in your ex towards you.
And this perception change is always because you have changed.
And by that, I mean that the person you showed your ex at the start of the relationship is very different from the person you showed your ex towards the end of the relationship.
Have You Changed?
One of the questions I would ask my coaching clients is:
“Compare the difference between the You that your ex fell in love with, and the You that your ex broke up with – What’s the difference?”
And some of the response I would get it this:
“The me that she fell in love with was compassionate, caring, put her first, wrote her love notes even if they were small. He would do anything to spend time with her.
He would always text her and was happy just to be in her presence and would do anything for her and was always there for her. The me she fell in love with would make plans for the future with her.
The me that she broke up with was selfish, put his need above hers. He was lazy, inconsistent, texted her but it was usually the same things and sometimes he would even ignore her.
He wanted sex or to fool around with her all the time and got upset when it didn’t happen. Instead of holding her close he pushed her away in hopes that she would pull him close, but she pushed away instead.”
From the response above, you can see that there was a big difference from the person his ex fell in love with and the person his ex broke up with.
Here’s another response from one of my coaching clients:
“I was outgoing, sincere, happy and loving. We had plans living together, and were excited about it.
In the end, at times, I was resentful, argumental and irresponsible. I would get upset, if he didn’t want to do the same as I wanted.”
Similarly, with this response, the person she showed her ex was vastly different from who she became towards the end of the relationship.
Hence, then break up happened.
So what you want to do now is to ask yourself the same question.
If the person you are at the end of the relationship is very different from who you showed your ex at the start of the relationship…
Then you want to change and become the person your ex first perceived you to be.
And that’s because your ex fell in love with that person in the first place enough to get together with you.
So once your ex starts asking about you…
If you have truly changed, and your mutual friends tell your ex about your change…
Then your ex will want to eventually come back to you again.
Sign #3: Your Ex Contacts You Out of The Blue
This can be one of the biggest signs your ex will eventually come back to you…
And it really depends on what your ex contacts you for.
When your ex contacts you out of the blue, there can only be just two reasons:
- Your ex needs something from you.
- Your ex starts a general conversation with you to ask how you are.
If your ex contacts you because he/she needs something from you…
Then this most likely isn’t one of the signs your ex will eventually come back to you.
However, you can turn it into a situation where you start to get more communication with your ex.
And from there, you build up positive communication…
And let your ex feel good in the conversation with you.
This can overtime let your ex feel positive enough to want to try again with you.
But if your ex reaches out to you out of the blue just to ask how are you…
Then that’s a very strong sign your ex will eventually come back to you.
Think about it…
If your ex reaches out to you just to ask how you are doing…
This is a big sign that your ex still thinks of you and may still have feelings for you.
For your ex to ask about you directly means that your ex could have started to miss you.
That’s why there’s the saying that goes…
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder”
It could be that after all this while of having no contact with you…
Your ex is starting to miss you and of the good times that you both had.
I’ve just recently had a coaching client that got his ex back even before we executed our plan.
Just as we were about to reach out to his ex, his ex first reached out to him and he said this:
“My ex reached out to me and after a good talk with her according to how you advised to talk with her, she has decided to try again with me!
Now that’s she’s getting herself together we will work on us harder than ever. I thank you for your great advice and coaching throughout this whole time! This wouldn’t have been possible without you! Thank you!”
While I did help him with the conversation with his ex which eventually helped them get back together…
His ex already reached out showing signs that she missed him.
And from there, it’s just a matter of saying the right things to his ex in the conversation to make her feel confident in trying again.
So if your ex reaches out to you out of the blue…
This can be one of the best signs your ex will eventually come back to you.
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Sign #4: Your Ex is Engaging in Chats
If you are already in contact with your ex…
Then you want to take notice of how your ex is engaging in the chats with you.
Is your ex asking many questions?
Or is your ex passive in his/her response and is just replying with short responses?
And who is the one that is talking more in the chat?
Is your ex talking more in the chats?
Or are you the one that is talking a lot more than your ex?
One of the big guidelines that I give my coaching clients whenever they have any communication with their ex…
Is to let their ex be the one to talk more.
Why You Should Let Your Ex Talk More
You see, we ALL love to talk about ourselves.
For some people, they only want to hear themselves talk when in a conversation!
And the reason is that when we talk about ourselves, we feel good.
And that’s also the reason you want your ex to talk more in any communication you have with them.
When you let your ex talk more and you show that you are listening attentively…
Your ex will link pleasure and feel positive towards you.
And this communication can be in-person, voice calls and also texts.
In fact, texting is the BEST way to let your ex talk more about themselves…
And you show that you are paying attention to them through your responses.
What if your ex isn’t engaging in your chats with him/her?
That’s simple…
First of all, it could most likely be because you have been dominating the chat.
If you have been the one that is talking more…
Then stop talking and let your ex talk.
So how do you let your ex be the on to talk more?
Through the use of strategic questions.
How to Use Questions to Get Your Ex Engaged in Conversations
Questions beget answers.
So you want to ask your ex GOOD questions that get your ex to talk more about himself/herself.
And you want to use open-ended questions instead of close-ended questions.
An open-ended question is when you ask questions that get a long response like:
“How did you get interested in healthy eating?”
A close-ended question is when you ask questions that get a very short response like:
“Are you interested in eating healthy?”
And that usually only get a yes/no response.
So if your ex is not engaging in chats with you…
Then you want to use good open-ended questions to get your ex to talk more.
But if your ex is already showing that he/she is very engaged in the chats with you…
Then it’s a very strong sign your ex will eventually come back to you.
Sign #5: Your Ex Starts Initiating Conversations More Than You
The next big sign your ex will eventually come back to you is when your ex starts to initiate conversations more than you.
And what I mean by this is when your ex is the first one to start the conversation for the day.
Most of the time, exes do not initiate contact.
That’s because a break up usually signifies the end of any contact.
For example, how many of your past exes do you still keep in contact with?
Chances are that your answer is very few or none at all.
So if your ex starts to initiate conversations with you…
That is a very good sign because it means that your ex enjoys chatting with you.
And your ex initiating contact with you is usually a by-product of the previous sign…
And that is having your ex engage more in the chat with you.
When your ex is enjoying any communication with you…
It’s only natural for your ex to want more of it.
That is why it’s important to focus on letting your ex feel good about themselves when you chat with them.
When your ex feels good talking to you…
It naturally leads to your ex wanting to talk more with you.
So if your ex is starting to initiate more contact with you…
That’s a big sign your ex eventually will come back to you.
But before they do come back to you…
There is a very likely chance that you will experience the next sign…
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Sign #6: Your Ex Starts Bringing Up the Past
If your ex starts bringing up the past…
And I mean the GOOD past…
That means the good times you both had when you both were still together…
Then it means that your ex is slowly finding his/her way back to you.
For example, I have many coaching clients whose ex will start to call them the nicknames they had when they were still together.
If your ex starts calling you “honey”, “dear” or any nicknames he/she gave you when you were together…
It means that your ex is starting to feel very positive towards you…
And your ex probably already feels as though you two are still a couple.
Some times, your ex might bring up the good past like saying…
“Do you remember that time we went to the park and we saw this funny object?”
When your ex says this…
It’s a clear indication that your ex is reminiscing the past…
And this usually means your ex misses those times.
And that also means your ex misses you.
So if your ex starts to bring up the past or call you by the name when you two were together…
It’s a very strong sign your ex is thinking about the relationship again.
But of all the signs…
The strongest sign your ex will eventually come back to you is the next sign…
Sign #7: Your Ex Asks You to Meet Up
If your ex asks you to meet up, you can be almost certain that your ex wants to get back with you.
That’s because it wouldn’t really make any other sense to ask you out for any other reason.
The psychology of exes is that they don’t want any contact.
And if there’s any contact, they usually want to minimize it.
So by asking you to meet up is in contrast to the psychology of an ex.
You see, the biggest fear your ex has right now is that you still want to get back with them.
That’s why they want to stay away from you as much as possible.
So if your ex wants to meet up with you…
It means that he/she already have factored in the thought that you want them back.
And meeting up with you will only increase the risk of you asking them back.
So if your ex still asks to meet up with you knowing full well you still want them back…
Then there’s only one explanation for that…
And that is that your ex has decided to want you back.
Now, of course, there can still be other reasons your ex want to meet up with you apart from getting back with you.
For example, your ex might need some money and only feel comfortable to ask about this in-person.
Or your ex might need to lean on you for emotional support because of a family death.
Although rare, there’s always that slight possibility.
However, you can usually have a good guess as to what the reason for the meetup might be from interactions before your ex asking for the meetup.
If your ex has been showing any of the 7 signs I’ve shared in this post…
Then there’s a big chance your ex is asking for the meetup to get back with you again.
Now, can you do me a favor?
Let me know in the comments below which of the 7 signs you have seen in your ex so far?
Your Next Step
IMPORTANT: Before you try and get your ex back…
You need to first find out whether there’s still any hope in trying to get your ex back.
The last thing you want to do is to chase a relationship that will never come to fruition again.
Click the image below to take a short 2-minute quiz to find out whether it’s too late to get your ex back (it’s free!):
Rish Llesis says
My ex girlfriend blocked me on social media and calls. Even though we’re already ok. So that means, she doesn’t want to come back to me? please help me!
G says
She hasn’t reached out to me for months. She constantly reads my instagram stories ? But….. thats it.
Donna park says
He liked a photo of me on Facebook, he is engaging in chats. He is told me he thinks the world of me
Rish Llesis says
Damn! you’re so lucky :'(